and apotea.

Apotea is the leading online pharmacy in Sweden with a product range of approximately 25 000 prescription free products and 17 000 prescription-based products. The company was founded by serial entrepreneur Per Svärdson in 2003 and has around 800 employees. Apotea is privately owned and Neudi & C:o has been an actively involved minority shareholder since 2016.

and cellmark.

CellMark is the leading Swedish trading house focused on international trade and innovative business development. The company offers services within sales and marketing, finance and logistics through its network of 70 offices in more than 30 countries. CellMark connects and supports entrepreneurs in multiple industries such as pulp, paper, packaging, recycling, energy and chemicals. Neudi has been an active minority shareholder in the business since 2017. CellMark is privately owned by Neudi and management.

and na-kd.

NA-KD is one of the fastest growing e-commerce companies in Europe. It was founded in 2015 by serial entrepreneur Jarno Vanhatapio and sells its own designed fashion products through collaborations with influencers and celebrities. NA-KD has roughly 235 employees and is based in Gothenburg. Neudi & C:o has been a minority shareholder since early 2021.

and humble group.

Humble Group is a young, dynamic, and innovative FMCG group that delivers products that are good for both you and the planet. The group consists of +25 companies operating within fast-growing segments of healthy food and snacks, as well as sustainable beauty and health. Neudi has been an ownership partner in Humble since September 2021. The company is listed under the ticker HUMBLE on Nasdaq First North Stockholm